Cupid's arrow strikes again...but keep it clean

It’s that time of year again, the big V Day is fast approaching and as we watch couples’ goggle over each other, we’ve been considering how it should be celebrated in the office.

Valentine’s Day isn’t necessarily about expressing romance to someone else, it can be about expressing appreciation to someone in your life – like a colleague. Celebrating Valentine’s Day at work may help improve friendships, promote appreciation, increase positivity and brighten the overall mood.

BUT… if you want to show appreciation to the people you work with, keep it appropriate and remember that not everyone is as into V Day as you might be.


1. Keep it professional

If you’re crushing on a colleague, today is not the day to let them know. If you think they haven’t made a move because they’re waiting on you to – you’re definitely wrong. People want to come to work with no awkward tension, don’t be the person to create it. Instead, bottle those emotions up and save them for your diary.


2. No one likes a show off

Someone sent you flowers – amazing! We are so happy for you. You don’t need to parade them around the office. Be sensitive to people’s love lives, or lack of. And we already know, they’re from your mum.


3. Don't be a Debbie-Downer

Although Valentine’s Day can be depressing as hell, don’t sulk around the office throwing yourself a pity party. So this year might not be your year of love – tough luck! We’ve all had a life of failed relationships.


4. PDA in the office is a no no

If you’re dating a colleague, please don’t take V Day as a pass to pash in the hallway. No one wants to see that, trust me. P.S. Do I need to spell it out? Public Displays of Affection.


5. Dress appropriately

If you’re heading out after your workday, please don’t come dressed in your saucy little outfit. You don’t want your colleagues staring at your ‘best’ features - It’s only going to make everyone, including yourself, uncomfortable. How embarrassing if you’re told to dress more appropriately in the office!?


6. Don't give a gift to one person and not the other

Talk about favourites – you are going to send the total wrong message! #crushing. Buy a box of Favourites (choccies!) instead and share them around.


7. If you're giving gifts, don't be inappropriate 

Gifting your employees something to show your appreciation? Amazing! Steer clear from anything that could possibly be on the edge of inappropriate. Nothing screams sexual harassment louder!


8. Keep your emotions in check

If V Day is the worst day of the year for you, like it is for so many people, try to keep it together and get through the day. Don’t spend the day sobbing at your desk #awkward.


Keep our Valentine’s Day tips at the top of your mind in this love filled week and you won’t be getting a visit from your boss or HR!



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Written by Marketing Executive Abbey Ross at Harby Studios.


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